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5 Books to Read that Will Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

If you just read the title and are thinking, umm isn’t it a bit late to still be talking about my resolutions? This post is for you.  

What does the timing of this post have to do with anything?  The timing of this post was motivated by some jarring statistics, such as “80% of resolutions fail by the second week of February” - U.S. News, and Only 9.2% of people succeed in their resolutions.  Fact is, we’re nearing the end of January, and the novelty of making our resolutions is probably starting to wear off for many people.  

I’m not blaming you if that’s you.  I’ve been the person in those statistics and remember going from a state of sheer optimism January 1st, only to find myself indifferent towards my resolutions by January 31st.  

Why does this change happen to us? Once, Zig Ziglar (motivational speaking legend) was asked the question ‘Is motivation permanent?’  His response, while funny, also speaks a much deeper truth. His response was, “No, motivation is not permanent–but, neither is bathing.”  

You can’t stay clean if you don’t bathe regularly, and your mind can’t stay focused if you don’t constantly put in inputs to keep it motivated.  

If you like reading, this list is for you.  If you like listening, this list is also for you (audiobooks are everywhere now, no excuses).  I recommend reading/listening to a few pages, every morning, right when you get up. Why so early?  Think of it as breakfast for your mind, you’re creating the mindset in the morning that you carry with you the rest of the day.  Even if you are a slow reader, even if you have dyslexia (like me), even if you’re a very busy person, you can find time to read a couple pages each day.  Try it, and the return on your investment will be huge.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way…

The 5 Books to build your mindset:

1. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

If you’re one of my friends or family members, you probably already know how much I love this book, have been highly encouraged to read it, have received it as a gift, or, likely, all of the above.  

Why is it great?  This book makes self-help palpable for millenials; it’s witty, the chapters are short, easy to read, and packed with a fury of F**k yeah, you got this!  It got me through a spontaneous lung collapse, so it can get you through your New Year’s Resolution, no matter what it is.

Available on Amazon.

2. Crush It!: Why NOW is the time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk

This one is more business-oriented, however, I wouldn’t discount it just because your goals aren’t business focussed.  Vaynerchuk has so much passion, that I often find myself in awe, getting riled up with enthusiasm just by watching his videos or reading his words.  The energy he exudes is contagious, and his no excuses attitude is formidable enough to keep anyone on track with their goals.

Available on Amazon

3. The Big Life: Embrace the Mess, Work Your Side Hustle, Find a Monumental Relationship, and Become the Badass Babe You Were Meant to Be by Ann Shoket

Ladies, this one's for you.  When Shoket wrote this book, she was thinking about you, and me, and her, and all of us.  From chapters about finding love, to curating your social life, to earning respect in your industry, she helps you make sense of and navigate numerous areas of life in just 210 easy-to-read pages.  Be prepared to say, “hmm I never thought about it that way,” about a thousand times.

Available on Amazon

4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k by Mark Manson

This book is more than just a punchy title with an even punchier bright orange cover.  Manson dives deep into how we need to change our thought process to find happiness, providing clever stories to illustrate his ideas, and makes the whole realm of self help less stuffy with his biting words and wit.

Available on Amazon

5. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

The Godmother of Self-Help and brilliant Psychologist Louise Hay, wrote a book that will make you face the uncomfortable truths of your life (and where you are preventing your own growth) in the most loving and nurturing way possible.  If your resolutions are health, self image, or mental health related, get this and read it.

Available on Amazon

I believe in you, you got this.  Now let’s get reading! Please feel free to add any book recommendations you have in addition to this list by adding the titles in the comments!

